NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS A Day With Nandu

A Day With Nandu

Questions with (*) sign are open-ended questions.

Page 22

Nandu is only three months old, but he weighs 200 kilograms. What is your weight?

      My weight is 20 kilograms.

Can you find out the weight of how many children like you will add up to Nandu’s weight?

  20 X 10 = 200

About 10 children of my weight will add upto Nandu’s weight.

Page 24

If you were Nandu, and you lived in a herd, what kind of things would you do?

     If I were Nandu, I would like to play and roam around the whole day.

In the elephant herd, the oldest female elephant decides everything. Who takes decisions in your family?

     In my family, the elder members together take the decisions.

Page 25

Nandu did things that he liked to do. If you could spend a whole day with your friends, what would you do?

     If I could spend a whole day with my friends then I would like to play, dance, sing and have lots of fun.

Find out and write, which other animals live in herds.

   Cows, deer are the animals that live in herds.

Do you also live in a group? Do you like to live together like that? Why would you like or not like to live in a group?

Why I would like Why I would not like
Living together We will be having some restrictions.
Helping each other Fighting and quarreling
We can enjoy ourselves in a group We may not have freedom


How do elephants feel when they are kept in chains? Discuss and share your feelings.

     They feel unhappy and sad.

Page 26

Have you ever taken a ride on an elephant? How did it feel?

     Yes. Once I had taken a ride on an elephant. I enjoyed it.

Which animals have you sat on? Write their names.

     Horse, camel, and elephant.

You must have seen many animals around you in books, in movies. Some may be alone, some in groups. Find out more about any one of these animals and write about it.


Page 27

Think and write

Why do you think the egret is sitting on the buffalo?

     Egret eats insects from the skin of buffalo.

Have you seen any animal riding on another animal? Write its name.

     I have seen an egret riding a buffalo.

The animal which is riding.


The animal which gives ride.


Which animals do we use for riding?

     We use animals like horses, camels, donkeys, and elephants for riding.

Which animals do we use for carrying loads?

     We use donkeys, horses, ox, camel,s etc.

Page 30

You have read what these animals say. Why do you think that some of them are sad?

How do you think they are different- the monkeys that dance to entertain people and the monkeys that are free?


Additional Question Answers:

Fill in the blanks.

i). The baby elephants enjoyed playing in the water.

ii). An adult elephant can eat about 100 kilograms of leaves and twigs in a day.

iii). They sleep only two to four hours a day.

iv). The oldest female is the leader of the herd.


True or False

i). Elephants rest much.


ii). An adult elephant can eat about 100 kilograms of leaves and twigs in a day.


iii). They sleep only two to four hours a day.


iv). The oldest male is the leader of the herd.



i). For how many hours do the elephants sleep in a day?

      The elephants sleep only two to four hours a day.

ii). What is the food of the elephants?

     Elephants eat leaves and twigs.

iii). What is the weight of a baby elephant?

     A baby elephant weight is about 200 kilograms.

iv). Who will be the head of the herd of elephants?

     The oldest female is the leader of the herd.

v). What do you mean by ‘herd’

      A group of elephants is called a herd.



Write a note on the herd of elephants.

An elephant herd has mainly females and baby elephants. The oldest female is the leader of the herd. A herd may have 10 to 12 female elephants and young ones. Male elephants live in the herd till they are 14-15 years old. Then they leave the herd and move around alone.





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