Opposite Words


1.   above x below

2.   absent x present

3.   accept x refuse

4.   admire x despise

5.   active  x passive

6.   advance x retreat

7.   adverse x favorable

8.   agree x differ

9.   ancient x modern

10.  artificial x natural

11.  attach x detach

12.  alive x dead

13.  barren x fertile

14.  big x small

15.  blunt x sharp

16.  bold x timid

17.  bright x dim

18.  broad x narrow

19.  bold x timid

20.  calm x excited

21.  care x neglect

22.  confess x deny

23.  cool x warm

24.  clean x dirty

25.  cruel x kind

26.  common x rare

27.  complex  x simple

28.  confess x deny

29.  dark x bright

30.  dangerous x safe

31.  domestic x wild

32.  difficult x easy

33.  death x birth

34.  debit x credit

35.  dark x bright

36.  day x night

37.  deep x shallow

38.  downfall x raise

39.  earn x spend

40.  empty x full

41.  either x neither

42.  entrance x exit

43.  fine x coarse

44.  freedom x slavery

45.  fat x thin

46.  foolish x wise

47.  fresh x stale

48.  fear x courage

49.  false x true

50.  feeble x strong

51.  few x many

52.   Fresh x stale

53.  give x take

54.  gain x loss

55.  good x bad

56.  guilty x innocent

57.  giant x dwarf

58.  Hot x cold

59.  humble x arrogant

60.  high x low

61.  humble x proud

62.  include x exclude

63.  interior  x exterior

64.  initial x final

65.  internal x external

66.  industrious x lazy

67.  joy x sorrow

68.  junior x senior

69.  kind x cruel

70.  knowledge x ignorance

71.  lie x truth

72.  little x much

73.  maximum x minimum

74.  make x break

75.  majority x minority

76.  masculine x feminine

77.  noise x silence

78.  never x always

79.  oral x written

80.  Or x nor

81.  open x close

82.  optimist x pessimist

83.  permanent x temporary

84.  presence x absence

85.  profit x loss

86.  prose x poetry

87.  peace x war

88.  Partial x total

89.  quick x slow

90.  ripe x raw

91.  rough x smooth

92.  reject x accept

93.  remember x forget

94.  receive x give

95.  rich x poor

96.  selfish x selfless

97.  stop x start

98.  sharp x dull

99.  stand x sit

100.  smile x frown



101.  superior x inferior

102.  soft x hard

103.  senior x junior

104.  sharp x blunt

105.  shame x pride

106.  small x big

107.  soar x sink

108.  strict x lenient

109.  strong x weak

110.  tight x loose

111.  tragedy x comedy

112.  throw x catch

113.  this x that

114.  tame x wild

115.  top x bottom

116.  true x false

117.  ugly x beautiful

118.  up x down

119.  uniform x irregular

120.  unique x common

121.   valuable x cheap

122.  victory x defeat

123.  wild x tame

124.  wax x wane

125.  wild x domestic

126.  weak x strong

127.  wisdom x folly

128.  young x old

129.  wisdom x folly

130.  early x late

131.  arrogance x humility

132.  natural x artificial

133.  laugh x cry

134.  Large x small

135.  general x particular

136.  give x take

137.  youth x aged

138. buy x sell

139.  here x there

140.  love x hate

141.  wrong x right

142.   yes x no

143. forward x backward

144.  lost x found

145.  contrast x compare

146.  barren x fertile

147.   dream x reality

148. famous x notorious

149.  vacant x occupy

150.  specific x general


1.  advantage x disadvantage

2. believe x disbelieve

3. connect x disconnect

4. harmony x disharmony

5. honest x dishonest

6. honour x dishonour

7. loyal  x  disloyal

8. order  x  disorder

9.  pleased  x  displeased

10. quality  x  disquality

11. respect  x  disrespect

12. similar  x  dissimilar



1.  able  x  unable

2.  certain  x  uncertain

3.  comfortable x uncomfortable

4.  common  x  uncommon

5.  desirable  x  undesirable

6.  due  x  undue

7.  employed  x  unemployed

8.  equal  x  unequal

9.  even  x  uneven

10. expected  x  unexpected

11. fair  x  unfair

12.  faithful  x  unfaithful

13.  familiar  x  unfamiliar

14.  favourable  x  unfavourable

15. fit  x  unfit

16.  fold  x  unfold

17.  grateful  x  ungrateful

18.  happy  x  unhappy

19.  healthy  x  unhealthy

20. heard  x  unheard

21.  holy   x  unholy

22. impressive  x  unimpressive

23. interesting  x uninteresting

24. kind  x  unkind

25.  natural  x  unnatural

26.  necessary x unnecessary

27.  pleasant  x  unpleasant

28.  safe  x  unsafe

29.  suitable  x  unsuitable

30.  sure  x  unsure

31.  true  x  untrue

32.  wanted  x  unwanted

33. willing  x  unwilling



1.  ability  x inability

2.  complete  x incomplete

3.  curable  x incurable

4.  definite  x  indefinite

5.  direct  x  indirect

6.  finite  x  infinite

7.  divisible  x  indivisible

8.  secure  x  insecure

9.  behave  x  misbehave

10.  conduct  x  misconduct

11.  judge  x  misjudge

12.  guide  x  misguide

13.  lead  x  mislead

14.  use  x  misuse

15. understand x misunderstand

16.  legal x illegal

17.  legible  x  illegible

18.  literate  x  illiterate

19.  logical  x  illogical

20.  moral  x  immoral

21.  partial  x  impartial

22.  perfect  x  imperfect

23.  possible  x  impossible

24.  rational  x  irrational

25.  regular  x  irregular

26.  relevant  x irrelevant

27.  replaceable  x  irreplaceable

28.  responsible  x  irresponsible

29. significant  x  insignificant

30.  sufficient  x  insufficient




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