Std 5 Scholarship Practice Paper 2(English Medium)

Std 5 Scholarship Practice Paper 2(English Medium)





MEDIUM: ENGLISH                                            TOTAL MARKS   150                                           TIME : 90 Mins.



    OUT OF  50 100 150



  Read the following instructions carefully before you answer the questions.

(1)    Questions paper consists of two sections – Section I and Section II. Section I consists of 25 questions on the First language and in Section II there are 50 questions on Mathematics. All 75 questions are compulsory.

(2)    All questions carry 2 marks each.

(3)    Time limit given to solve the question paper is 90 minutes.

(4)    Separate answer sheet is provided to register the answers. Four circles are given in front of every question.  Choose the most correct  alternative and mark it on the answer paper as shown below :

Example: If Q. No. 6 has option number 2 as the correct answer, then completely darken the circle no, 2 as shown below :

Question No. 6:    ① ❷ ③ ④

(5)    Answer marked in the following way will carry zero marks

① ② ③  ④

(6)    Use a blue or black pen to darken the circle. The pencil is not allowed. Circles darkened by pencil will not be accepted.

(7)    Once you have darkened the circle as the correct alternative you cannot change it.

(8)    If more than one circle is darkened or overwriting is done, the answer will not be accepted.

(9)    The rough work is to be done in the space given under each page on the last pages of the question paper.

(10)  If you do not know the answer to any question, do not spend much time on it and pass it on to the next one. If the time permits you can come back to the question which you have left on the first instance and try again.



      SECTION I: ENGLISH (Question 25: Marks: 50)


Q. 1 In which of the following sentences is the word ‘WORK’ used as a noun?

1) Work hard for success                 2) Work, while you work.

3) Work is worship                          4) Work out the sums.


Q. 2 Select the word that is the antonym of the given word :


1) Temporary               2) certainty                 3) necessary           4) secondary

Q. 3 Pick the correct word to fill in the blank :

If you follow this map, you will not …………… your way.

1)  loose                    2) lose                         3) loss                       4) louse

Q. 4 Look at the picture and choose the correct plurals :

1) oxes       2) ox

3) oxen        4) ox

Q.5      Choose the correct partner :

Body and ………………

1) health                   2) strength          3) heart                  4) soul

Q. 6 Look at the picture and pick out the words related to them :

1) root                        2) stone

3) wheels                   4) pillow

Q. 7 Pick out the noun that belongs to a different category from the rest :

1) Rohan                    2) cruelty                3) India                            4) Ganga

Q.8     Identify the correct option for the words given in the brackets to fill in the blanks.

They were ………………… than the Lion. (big)

1) bigger                     2) as big                      3)  biggest                   4) big

Q. 9 fill in the blank with the correct action verb.

The monkey   _________________________ down from the tree.

1) jumping                 2) was jumped              3) flies                         4) jumped

Q 10  Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition :

They are proud …………… their success.

1) about                    2) of                             3) off                           4) with

Q. 11 Choose the proper question to get the underlined answer :

Sarita helped her sister.

1) Whom did Sarita help?                     2) Whose help did Sarita take?

3) Who helped Sarita?                         4) By whom was Sarita helped?

Q. 12 Identify the subject in the sentences given below :

Jack and Jill went up the hill.

1) Jack                        2) Jill                            3) Jack and Jill          4) the hill

Q. 13 Identify the tense of this sentence :

Vishal spoke to his father.

1)  Present tense                      2) Future tense

3)   past tense                           4) present continuous tense

Q. 14-16 Read the letter carefully and complete the sentences choosing from the given options:

                                                                                                      13,  Adarsh Nagar,

Adenwala Road,


Mumbai – 400 019.

Dear Granny,

We shall be reaching Panaji on the 6th, May! Both Ria and I are very excited. Can we swim in the sea every day?

We are waiting to eat mangoes, jackfruit, and other things, what shall we A?

Do let us know soon, so we can get the best stuff!



Q. 14 What is missing below the address?

1)  time                          2) date                    3)   message               4) STD code

Q 15 What must be written in blank ‘A’?

1) eat there?                         2)  tell others?

3) do every day?                     4) bring for you from Mumbai?

Q 16 What must be written in blank ‘B’ :

1) Your loving friend               2) Your loving grandson

3) Yours loving                        4) your loving

Q 17- 19 Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions given below it.

 The Rabbit

The rabbit is a soft and timid creature. It has soft fur, long ears, and a small, furry tail. The hind legs of the rabbit are big and strong.

Rabbits live under the ground. They dig tunnels and burrows and live in them, when there is danger, the rabbit will hop into its hole and remain there till the danger has passed.

Rabbits are most active at dawn and dusk and often nap during the day. They eat grass and tender plants. They are social pets. They enjoy the company of other rabbits and human beings.


Q 17 The tail of the rabbit is ………..

1) big and strong                                 2) small and furry

3) long and strong                                4) soft and timid


Q 18 When are rabbits more active?

1) throughout the day              2) at night

3) at dawn and dusk                         4) at noon

Q 19 Rabbits are …………………… creatures.

1) unfriendly              2) social                   3) fierce                          4) angry

Q 20-22 Read the following news item carefully and answer the questions given below them :

Trees Cut

Nashik, October 3: More than 20 trees were cut on University Road here yesterday. The trees lined the sides of the road and were cut during the road-widening process.

“It’s a shameful act”, said Mr. S.K. Joshi, a professor at the University. “the deed was done so quickly that 20 trees had been cut before anyone could realize it. We have now organized a ‘morcha’ and started a movement to prevent more trees from being cut. How is it that officers here do not realize the great value of trees?”

Q 20 How many trees were cut?

1)  20                    2) less than 20              3)   more than 20                         4) 1

Q 21 “The deed was done so quickly……….” What is the ‘deed’ ?

1) the widening of the road                        2) organizing the morcha

3) the cutting of the trees                            4) starting a movement

Q 22 The opposite of ‘ prevent’ is ………….

1) allow                       2) stop                    3) disallow                         4) continue

Q 23 Choose the correct option to fill in the blank :

The ordinal number for 23 is ……………

1) 23rd                        2) 23erd                     3) 23d                              4) 23trd

Q 24 Rohit stood first in an inter-school drawing competition. When you meet him, you will say :

1) Take care                            2) My pleasure

3) Congratulations                 4) All the best

Q 25 What is missing in the date given below?

26th December

1) the pin                       2) the day              3) the time                     4) the year


SECTION II: MATHEMATICS (Question 50 : Marks: 100)


Q 26  What is the product of the place values of the digits having the greatest and the smallest place values in the number 24785

1) 1,00,000              2)  80,000                    3) 1,60,000                   4) 16,000.

Q 27  How is the number six lakh sixty thousand sixty written in figures?

1) 6,60,660               2) 6,06,606                  3) 6,60,060                 4)  6,06,060

Q 28 How many numbers from 1 to 100 are the multiples of six ?

1)  10                          2) 12                             3)  14                          4) 16

Q 29  Which is the greatest six-digit number formed by using each of the digits 6,8,3 and 5 at least once ?

1) 8,86,853                  2) 8,88,563                  3)  8,88,653                 4) 8,88,635

Q 30  If the numbers 660066, 660666, 660660, 660606 are arranged in the ascending order which will be the second number ?

1)  660066                    2) 660666                   3)   660660                   4) 660606

Q 31  Which of the following numbers is a square number as well as a triangular number?

1) 64                            2) 365                          3) 25                           4) 9

Q 32        5674+46657+8573 = ?

1)  60094                        2) 60904                   3) 69094                    4) 60940

Q 33        1317519 – 1007423 = ?

1) 3010096                     2) 3010906              3) 310960                   4) 310096

Q 34      10101 X 101 = ?

1) 1020201                    2) 1010101                3) 1111101               4) 1020101

Q 35       44440 ÷ 22 = ?

1) 202                           2) 220                       3) 2200                     4) 2020

Q 36     A worker working 8 hours a day earns ₹9000 for working 15 days. How much does he earn per hour ?

1) ₹45                             2) ₹75                      3) ₹65                          4) ₹105

Q 37    If a= 4 and b= 5 then 5a X 4b = ?

1) 40                             2) 41                         3) 20                          4) 400

Q 38    Which of the following numbers is not a factor of 32 ?

1) 64                             2) 32                          3) 16                          4) 8

Q 39    1404 cm long wire is cut at 12 places to form equal parts. What will be the length of each part ?

1) 117 cm                       2) 108 cm                  3)112 cm                  4) 156 cm

Q 40  1538297+705710=?

1) 2240407             2) 2244007                  3) 2040207                4) 2240047

Q 41   900000- 759993 = ?

1) 150007                 2) 14007                    3) 150003                  4) 140007

Q 42   Which of the fractions 1/3, 1/9, 1/5, 1/6 is the smallest ?

1) 1/3                         2) 1/9                         3) 1/6                         4) 1/5

Q 43    If a =b=c=d then which of the following fractions is the greatest ?

1) a/7                        2) b/5                          3) c/9                          4) d/11

Q 44    29/613/6 = ?

1) 16/12                     2) 16/3                          3) 16/6                        4) 42/12

Q 45    Write the correct number in the place of ? :

51/119 = ?/7

1) 17                       2) 44                              3) 4                              4) 3

Q 46                       ¾ = ?

1) 3.25                   2)  0.25                         3)  0.75                        4) 0.075

Q 47     1.750 kilometers = how many meters ?

1) 1750                 2) 175                           3) 17.5                           4) 17500

Q 48      7.7+7.07+70.07+700.07 = ?

1) 784.28               2) 784.91                      3) 794.91                    4) 785.28

Q 49     how many meters is 15.7 km ?

1) 157                    2) 1570                          3) 15700                    4) 157000

Q 50      24 cm 2 mm – 8 cm 8 mm =

1) 16 cm                 2) 164 mm                     3) 15 cm                   4) 154 mm

Q 51         36 litres equal to how many millilitres ?

1) 360                     2) 3600                          3) 36000                     4) 3.6

Q 52      Laxmi bought half a litre of milk daily in the month of June. If the rate of milk was ₹60 per litre, what was her bill for milk?

1) ₹900                       2) ₹620                         3) ₹560                           4) ₹520

Q 53     5 hours 55 minutes + 4 hours 44 minutes ?

1) 10 hours 9 minutes                          2) 10 hours 19 minutes

3) 9 hours 39 minutes                          4) 10 hours 30 minutes

Q.54     In the year 2016, Christmas was on Sunday. In the same year which day was Gandhi Jayanti ?

1) Monday              2) Tuesday             3) Wednesday                   4) Sunday

Q 55    Sunita will go to Pune after 5 days on the date next to 4th. On which date will she start for Pune ?

1) 10                      2) 11                             3) 9                                 4) 8

Q 56     How many quire papers make 7 ream papers?

1) 100                  2) 120                         3) 130                              4) 140

Q 57     If 5 quire papers out of 1 gross are used for printing, then how many papers remained ?

1) 60                     2) 20                            3) 12                               4) 24

Q 58     If there was a government holiday for second Saturday on 8th October, 2016, then what was the date on fourth Saturday?

1) 22nd October                   2) 24th October

3) 23rd October                   4) 20th  October

Q 59      4 dozen ball pens were bought at ₹ 2.50 each., on selling, there is a profit of ₹ 12. What is the selling price of each ball pen ?

1) ₹1.75                2) ₹2.50                    3) ₹2.75                                 4) ₹3.00

Q 60   Jeo bought 400 eggs for ₹2000. During transport, 50 eggs fell down and broke. He sold the rest of the eggs at ₹6 each. What profit did he make ?

1) ₹100                    2) ₹200                     3) ₹60                                    4) ₹120

Q 61     45% of 1200 = ?

1) 540                   2) 450                        3) 500                                  4) 400

Q 62      Seema scored 92% of marks out of a total of 700. How ,any marks did she score ?

1) 640                    2) 642                       3) 644                                 4) 646

Q 63    How much is the simple interest on ₹600 for 2 years at the rate of 8 pcpa ?

1) ₹48                    2) ₹60                        3) ₹72                                  4) ₹90

Q 64    The simple interest, on some principal for 3 years at ₹12 pcpa is ₹5400. What is the principal?

1) ₹16,000             2) ₹14,000                 3) ₹18,000                        4) ₹15,000

Q 65      What per cent is 0.067 ?

1) 0.067%               2) 0.67%                  3) 6.7%                              4) 67%

Q 66         4% of four hundred and fifty is

1) 16                     2) 18                        3) 26                                   4) 28

Q.67    What will be the angle between the minute and hour hands at 3 o’clock ?

1) 300                    2) 600                        3) 900                                 4) 120

Q 68      In which of the following English letters do you see perpendicular lines?

1) U                        2) V                          3) T                                   4) B


Q 69 In which of the following alternatives are the lines parallel L

1) The large quadrilateral drawn on a field

2) The blades of a fan

3) sprouting of two branches from the fork of a trunk

4) the opposite edges of a rectangular table.


Q 70 Observe the given figure and tell the number of rectangles present it.

1) 12                   2) 16

3) 18                   4) 20



Q 71 A wire of length 8.8 cm is bent into a circle. What is the circumference of this circle?

1) 4cm                    2) 8.8cm                      3) 17.6cm                          4) 8cm

Q 72 The perimeter of a rectangle is 60 cm. If its breadth is 10 cm, then what will be its length ?

1) 10cm                2) 20cm                        3) 30cm                             4) 50cm

Q 73 What is the area of a square having perimeter 32m ?

1) 16 m2                2) 32m2                         3) 48m2                             4) 64m2


Q 74 Answer the questions given below each of the pictorial information :

Types of Vehicles passengers

Scale: 1 picture stands for 5 passengers

  1. 74 How many people altogether travel by train or bus?

1) 30                       2) 45                         3) 75                              4) 85

  1. 75 what is the total number of passengers ?

1) 105                      2) 60                       3) 55                               4) 75
















MEDIUM: ENGLISH                                            TOTAL MARKS   150                                           TIME : 90 Mins.



    OUT OF  50 100 150



  Read the following instructions carefully before you answer the questions.

(1)    Questions paper consists of two sections – Section I and Section II. Section I consists of 25 questions on the First language and in Section II there are 50 questions on Mathematics. All 75 questions are compulsory.

(2)    All questions carry 2 marks each.

(3)    Time limit given to solve the question paper is 90 minutes.

(4)    Separate answer sheet is provided to register the answers. Four circles are given in front of every question.  Choose the most correct  alternative and mark it on the answer paper as shown below :

Example: If Q. No. 6 has option number 2 as the correct answer, then completely darken the circle no, 2 as shown below :

Question No. 6:    ① ❷ ③ ④

(5)    Answer marked in the following way will carry zero marks

① ② ③  ④

(6)    Use the blue or black pen to darken the circle. A pencil is not allowed. Circles darkened by pencil will not be accepted.

(7)    Once you have darkened the circle as the correct alternative you cannot change it.

(8)    If more than one circle is darkened or overwriting is done, the answer will not be accepted.

(9)    The rough work is to be done in the space given under each page on the last pages of the question paper.

(10)  If you do not know the answer to any question, do not spend much time on it and pass it on to the next one. If the time permits you can come back to the question which you have left on the first instance and try again.









      SECTION I: MARATHI (Question 25 : Marks: 50)


  1. 1-3 पुढील कविता वाचून त्या खाली दिलेल्या प्रशनांची उत्तरे शोधा व योग्य उत्तराच्या पर्याय क्रमांकाचे वर्तुळ रंगवा.

ते देशासाठी लढले  I अमर हुतात्मे झाले II

सोडिले सर्व घरदार I  त्यागिला मधुर संसार II

ज्योतीसम जीवन जगले I ते देशासाठी जगले II

तो तुरुंग तो उपवास I  ते साखळदंड तनुस II

कुणी फसवरती चढले I  ते देशासाठी लढले  II

झगडली झुंजली जनता I  मग स्वतंत्र झाली माता II

हिमशिखरि  ध्वज फडफडले I  ते देशासाठी लढले  II

Q 1 कवितेत ‘माता’ कोणास म्हटले आहे ?

1)देशाला                   2) आईला                    3) तुरुंगाला                    4)  हिमशेखरांना

Q 2 देशभक्तयांच्या आयुष्याची तुलना  कोणाशी केली आहे ?

1) मधुर संसाराशी        2)  स्वतः जळणाऱ्या ज्योतिशी     3)  हिमशिखरांशी       4) ध्वजाशी

Q 3 देशासाठी लढणाऱ्या देशभक्तांना ज्या गोष्टीला तोंड द्यावे लागले, त्यात पुढीलपैकी कोणत्या गोष्टीचा समावेश नाही?

1)तुरुंगवास सहन करावा लागला                2)  साखळदंडाने जखडून घ्यावे लागले

3) जनतेशी जगडावे लागले                       4)  काहींना फासावर जावे लागले  .

Q.4-6  खालील सुसंगत वाक्यांचा परिच्छेद वाचून त्यावर आधारित विचारलेल्या प्रशनांची उत्तरे पर्यायातून निवडा.

Q 4 आज ……………….. तारीख आहे.

1) १ ऑगस्ट              2) ३० जानेवारी            3) २ ऑक्टोबर                    4) २५ मे

Q 5 या दिवशी………………………… यांची पुण्यतिथी  असते.

1) प. नेहरू              2)  लालबहादूर शास्त्री    3) लोकमान्य टिळक            4) महात्मा गांधी

Q 6 हा दिवस …………………………….. म्हणूनही साजरा करतात.

1) किसान दिन           2)  हुतात्मा दिन            3)  क्रांती दिन                    4) बाळ दिन

Q 7 पुढील टळक अक्षरांतील शब्दाचे समानार्थी शब्द निवडून त्याच्या पर्याय क्रमांकाचे वर्तुळ रंगवा.


1) सरी                       2)  वर्षा                      3)  वर्षाव                         4)  शिडकावा

Q 8 पुढील टळक अक्षरांतील शब्दाचे विरुद्धार्थी शब्द निवडून त्याच्या पर्याय क्रमांकाचे वर्तुळ रंगवा.


1) लहान                       2 )  मोठा                   3) धाकटा                        4)  शेवटच्या


Q 9 टळक अक्षरांत दिलेल्या शब्दासाठी योग्य शब्दसमूहाच्या पर्याय क्रमांकाचे वर्तुळ रंगवा.


1) दरबारातील प्रधान बसण्याची जागा                2)  दरबारातील मंत्री बसण्याची जागा

3) दरबारातील राजा  बसण्याची जागा               4)  राजवाड्यातील राजाची बसण्याची जागा

Q 10 पुढीलपैकी ध्वनिदर्शक शब्द कोणता नाही ?

1) गडगड                2) फडफड                        3)  चमचमाट              4) खडखड

Q 11 रिकाम्या जागी योग्य समूहदर्शक शब्द निवडून त्याच्या पर्याय क्रमांकाचे वर्तुळ रंगवा.

जंगलातील प्राणी ………………………. करून राहतात

1) गट                       2) घोळका                      3)  कळप                   4) जमाव

Q 12 साप ……………………….. राहतो

1) पिंजरा                   2) घरात                          3) बिळात                  4) घरट्यात

Q 13 पुढील वाक्प्रचार पूर्ण करण्यासाठी रिकाम्या जागी योग्य शब्दाचा पर्याय निवडा

डोक्यावर ………………. फोडणे.

1) दगड                    2) वीट                           3)  खापर                   4) नारळ

Q 14 पर्यायातील अक्षरांचा योग्य क्रम लावून अर्थपूर्ण बनणाऱ्या शब्दाचे चोथे अक्षर असणाऱ्या पर्याय निवडा :

ष्ट्र, त,  गी,  रा

  •  ष्ट्र                            2) त                                   3) गी                            4) रा


Q 15 जसे चारापाणी , तसे चार ………………….

1) चौदा                       2) धार                           3) चौघे                        4) सार

Q 16 पुढील वाक्यातील अधोरेखित शब्द ज्या अर्थाने वापरला आहे त्या अर्थाच्या शब्दाच्या पर्याय क्रमांकाचे वर्तुळ रंगवा.

हल्ली भाज्यांचे भाव खूपच वाढले आहे ?

1) भावना                    2) दर                              3) दर्जा                      4)  किंमत

Q 17 पुढील वाक्यांतील अधोरेखित शब्दांच्या विरुद्धार्थी शब्दाच्या योग्य पर्याय क्रमांकाचे वर्तुळ रंगवा.

नेहमी अपूर्ण कामे प्रथम …………… करावीत.

1) प्रथम                    2)  प्रमाणात                      3)  उशिरा                    4) पूर्ण

Q 18 पुढील प्रत्येक प्रशनांत दिलेल्या पर्यायांपैकी नाम असणाऱ्या पर्याय क्रमांकाचे वर्तुळ रंगवा.

1) सुंदर                     2) किती                           3)  माधव                    4) मधाळ

Q 19 मोकळ्या ……………………… पतंग उडवावेत.

1) मैदानाने                 2)  मैदानात                      3)  मैदानाच्या              4) मैदानास


Q, 20  ‘गवळी ‘ या शब्दाचा विरुद्धार्थी शब्द कोणता ?

1) गवळीन                   2) गवळण                       3) गौळण                     4)  गावळं

Q 21 गोदावरी ……………… महाराष्ट्रातून वाहते.

1) नद्या                       2) ओढा                          3)  नदी                       4)  ओढे

Q 22 पुढील वाक्यात शेवटी द्यायची योग्य विरामचिन्हे निवडा व त्याच्या पर्याय क्रमांकाचे वर्तुळ रंगवा.

तुला कोणते फूल आवडते  

1) !                          2)  ?                             3)  ,                            4)  .

Q 23 पुढील पैकी अशुद्ध शब्द निवडा

1) नवीन                     2)  परंतु                        3)  वैशाख                      4) फूल

Q 24 साने गुरुजींनी लिहिलेल्यी प्रसिद्ध  ग्रंथाच्या / पुस्तकाच्या योग्य पर्याय क्रमांकाचे वर्तुळ रंगवा.

1) नटसम्राट               2)  गीतारहस्य                  3)  गीताई                 4) श्यामच्ची आई

Q 25 इंग्रजी महिन्याप्रमाणे ……………. हा दहावा महिना असतो .

1) नोव्हेंबर                 2) सप्टेंबर                       3) डिसेंबर                 4) ऑक्टोबर

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