NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Hu Tu Tu Hu Tu Tu

Hu Tu Tu, Hu Tu Tu

Questions with (*) sign are open ended questions.

Page 79

When you play kabaddi, how many players do you have in a team?

There are 8 players in a team of kabaddi.

How many players got out when Shyamala touched the line?

All the players on the opposite team got ‘out’ when Shyamala touched the line.

Do you have ways to resolve disputes in games?

Yes, by following the rules of the games and obeying umpires or referees we can resolve the disputes in games.

Page 80

(*) Make a picture in your notebook to show how Shyamala managed to get the entire opposing team ‘out’ in one go.

What does it mean to be out in games? When does one get ‘out’ in kabaddi?

‘Out’ in a game means that the player is not allowed to continue to play the game for time being.

A player is ‘out’ in Kabaddi if

i). he or she cannot hold the breath

ii). If the opposition team stops him on his move

iii) if the player on move touches the player from the opposite team and the opposite team cannot stop him.

In some games, it is very important to touch the player. For example in the game of kho-kho, you get ‘out’ when someone touches you. You also get your turn by someone’s touch. Name some games in which it is very important to touch the players?

In games like Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, langadi, hide and seek it is very important to touch the players.

In kabaddi, the entire team was ‘out’, because Shyamala had touched the line. What are some other games in which, the central line is very important?

The central line is very important in games like tug of war, football, hockey etc.

What are the games in which, besides the players, you have to touch some things or colours?

Kho-Kho, potato race, colour race.

Try to hold breathe and keep saying kabaddi-kabaddi. How many times could you say it?

I can say 15-20 times.

How many times can you say it, while you are playing kabaddi? Is there any difference?

I can say 10-12 times.

Page 83

Have you learnt any game from a coach? Which one?

I have learnt cricket from a coach.

Do you know of anyone who has learnt any game from a coach?

Some of my friends learnt games like football and cricket from a coach.

How does a coach teach? How does a coach make a player practice? How hard do you think the players have to work?

A coach teaches the tricks and gives tips while playing. He takes continuous practice of the game.

Have you ever thought of making a club for your favourite game?

Yes, we have a club of cricket.

Imagine that there are 15 children playing Kho-kho. They must form two teams with equal numbers (7each). Then one player will be left. What will you do if this happens?

One player who left can be made a referee.

 Have you ever become the ‘extra person’ in the middle? Write about this.

Yes, once during a cricket match I had become an extra player.

(*) Every game has some rules. The game is played according to those rules. Let us see what happens if the rules are changed. For example, in cricket, a batsman gets ‘out’, if the bails fall off the stumps. Imagine, if there is a rule that entire team will be ‘out’, if all the three stumps fall. Would it be fun!

(*) Try and play the game with this rule. Similarly, make some rules for other games and play.

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