NCERT Solutions Std 6 CBSE Science Fibre to Fabric

Fibre to Fabric


1). Classify the following fibres as natural or synthetic:

nylon, wool, cotton, silk, polyester, jute


Natural fibre Synthetic fibre







2). State whether the following statements are true or false:

a). yarn is made from fibres.


b). sinning is a process of making fibres.


c). Jute is the outer covering of coconut.


d). The process of removing seed from cotton is called ginning.


e). Weaving of yarn makes a piece of fabric.


f). Silk fibre is obtained from the stem of a plant.


g). Polyester is a natural fibre.



3). Fill in the blanks.

a). Plant fibres are obtained from cotton and jute.

b). Animal fibres are wool and silk.

4). From which parts of the plant cotton and jute are obtained?

      Cotton- cotton bolls

      Jute- stem

5). Name two items that are made from coconut fibre.

     Ropes and mats

6). Explain the process of making yarn from fibre.

     The process of making yarn from fibres is called spinning. In this process, fibres from a mass of cotton wool are drawn out and twisted. This brings the fibres together to form a yarn.


Additional Questions

Answer the following.

1). What are fibres?

     The thin strands of thread that are made up of still thinner strands are called fibres.

2). What are natural fibres?

     The fibres of some fabrics such as cotton, jute, silk and wool are obtained from plants and animals. These are called natural fibres.

3). Give examples of natural fibres.

     Cotton, jute, wool and silk are examples of natural fibres.

4). From where do we get wool?

     Wool is obtained from the fleece of sheep or goats. It is also obtained from the hair of rabbits, yak and camels.

5). What are synthetic fibres?

    Fibres that are made by using chemical substances and not obtained from plants and animals are called as synthetic fibres.

6). Give examples of synthetic fibres.

     Some examples of synthetic fibres are polyester, nylon, rayon and acrylic.

7). What is ginning?

     Fibres are separated from the seeds by combing. This process is called ginning of cotton.

8). What is the ideal climate for growing cotton plants?

     Cotton plants are usually grown at places having black soil and a warm climate.

9). What is spinning?

     The process of making yarn from fibres is called spinning.

10). What is takli?

     A simple device used for spinning is a hand spindle also called a takli.

11). What are the methods of making fabric from yarn?

     The main methods of making fabric from yarn are weaving and knitting.

12). What is weaving?

     The process of arranging two sets of yarns together to make a fabric is called weaving.

13). What is knitting?

      Knitting is a process where a single yarn is used to make fabric.

14). What materials are used by the people as clothes in ancient times?

     The people in ancient times used the bark and big leaves of trees or animal skins and furs to cover themselves.

15). Explain how jute is obtained from the jute plant?

      Jute fibre is obtained from the stem of the jute plant. It is cultivated during the rainy season. The jute plant is harvested when it is at the flowering stage. The stems of the harvested plants are immersed in water for a few days. The stem rot and fibres are separated by hand.

16). Write the uses of cotton wool.

     Cotton wool is also used for filling mattresses, quilts or pillows and wicks of oil lamps.

 Name the following

1). Give two examples of natural fibres obtained from plants.

     Cotton and jute.

2). Give two examples of natural fibres obtained from animals.

     Wool and silk

3). Sources of silk fibre


4). States that grow cotton plant. 

Punjab, Gujrat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka.

5). States that grow jute crop.

     West Bengal, Bihar and Assam.

6). Hand devices used for spinning.

     Takli and charkha.

7). Process of making fabric from yarn.

     Weaving and knitting.


Fill in the blanks.

1). Fabrics are made up of yarns.

2). Yarns are made up of fibres.

3). The fibres obtained from plants and animals are called natural fibres.

4). The process of making yarn from fibres is called spinning.

5). Use of charkha was popularised by Mahatma Gandhi as a part of the Independence movement.

6). Weaving of fabric is done on looms.

7). Flax is also a plant that gives natural fibre.


True or false                 

1). Fabrics are made up of yarns.


2). Yarns are made up of fibres.


3). The fibres obtained from plants and animals are called as natural fibres.


4). From thousands of years we are using synthetic fibres.


5). Ginning is traditionally done by hands.


6). The stem strands and rots of jute are separated by hand.


7). The process of making yarn from fibres is called as spinning.


8). The looms are either hand operated or power operated.


9). Knitting is a process where we use many yarns to make fabric.


10). Knitting is done by hands alone.



Find the odd man

1). Cotton, wool, nylon, silk.


2). Rayon, polyester, cotton, nylon.


3). Sheep, silkworm, camel, rabbit


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