An Ideal Ruler

8. An Ideal Ruler


Q 1). Find it from the chapter.

1). Grave dangers in the life of Shivaji Maharaj

       Events like the meeting with the Afzalkhan, the siege of Panhala, the attack on Shaistakhan, the escape from Agra, all involved a great amount of risk.

2). They risked their lives at the time of Maharaj’s escape from Agra.

      Hiroji Farjand and Madari Meheter risked their lives during the escape of Maharaj from Agra.

3). What warning did Shivaji Maharaj issue to the Deshmukh of Rohida Valley?

           Shivaji Maharaj warned the Deshmukh of the Rohida Valley not to fail in his duty towards the ryot. He also warned Deshmukh to visit every village and shift people to a safe place down the ghats. He strictly told him not to delay even for a moment. He further warned the Deshmukh that if he did not thus take care of the ryot, the Mughal army would take the people prisoner and then it would be seen as the Deshmukh’s doing.  

4). What inspiration can the future generations draw from the life of Shivaji Maharaj?

  Future generations can draw inspiration from the work of Shivaji Maharaj of founding the Swaraj and turning it into Surajya.

5). Crossed the siege of Panhalagad in the disguise as Shivaji Maharaj.

           Shiva Kashid crossed the siege of Panhalagad in the disguise of Shivaji Maharaj.

6). Sacrificed his life while conquering the Sinhagad.

            Tanaji Malusare sacrificed his life while conquering the Sinhagad.

7). Defended the fort of Purander.

            Murarbaji Deshpande defended the fort of Purander.


8). Blocked the advances of the enemy on the way to Vishalgad.

            Bajiprabhu Deshpande blocked the advances of the enemy on the way to Vishalgad.


Q 2). Write about it in your own words.

1). What warning did Shivaji Maharaj issue to his soldiers to avoid any loss to the ryot?

          Shivaji Maharaj maintained a strict discipline in the army. Maharaj warned the soldiers not to fail in their duty towards the ryot. During the time of enemy invasions, to shift people to a safe place down the ghats. He also warned the soldiers not to cause any harm to the ryot.

2). How do we know that the religious policy of Shivaji Maharaj was that of tolerance?

         While struggling against the Muslim powers like Adilshah, the Mughals and the Siddis, Shivaji Maharaj considered the Muslims in the Swaraj as his own subjects. In the enemy territories that Maharaj conquered, he continued the facilities that had been given to the Muslims places of worship. Shivaji formed strict rules for his soldiers that during the campaigns, they should not harm a mosque. If they came in possession of a copy of the Holy Quran, they should hand over the same, with reverence, to a Muslim.


3). Explain Shivaji Maharaj’s policy regarding the army.

           Shivaji Maharaj maintained a strict discipline in the army. He was particular about paying the salaries of the army in time. He made arrangements to pay the salaries of soldiers in cash. There was a strict order to the army that any valuables collected during the campaigns in enemy territories were to be deposited with the Government. Soldiers were honored for their bravery in a campaign. He looked after the families of soldiers who died in a battle. He took care of the wounded soldiers, he treated well the enemy soldiers who had surrendered themselves or who had been captured.

4). Shivaji Maharaj – the inspiration for freedom.

            The efforts that Shivaji Maharaj made to establish the Swaraj have a special value. It is the value of freedom. He aimed at establishing and maintaining an independent and sovereign existence that did not accept the dominance of any other power. While struggling against the foreign powers Maharaj inspired Chhatrasal to create an independent kingdom in Bundelkhand.

Q 3). Give one word for.

1). An important officer in the navy of Swaraj- Daulatkhan.

2). A Tamil poet who composed a poem on Shivaji Maharaj- Subramanyam Bharati.


3). He created an independent kingdom in Bundelkhand- Chhatrasal.


4). He composed a Powada on the greatness of Shivaji Maharaj- Mahatma Jotirao Phule.


5). He turned Swaraj into Surajya- Shivaji Maharaj.


6). He brought about national awakening through the medium of Shivajayanti celebrations- Lokmanya Tilak.

Q 4). Answer the following questions.

1). Write about the organizational skills of Shivaji Maharaj?

           Shivaji Maharaj inspired the people around him to work for the Swaraj. His organizational skill was unparalleled. With his skill, he drew around himself brave people who were also extremely loyal. These associates of Maharaj performed their duty, even by risking their own lives. Maharaj took great care of his associates.


2). Write about the noble qualities of Shivaji Maharaj.

           Maharaj was very intelligent. He had mastered many arts. He was conversant with many languages and scripts. The teachings of his parents towards the establishment of Swaraj and ethics were deeply instilled in his mind. There was a blend of character and strength, nobility and valour in his personality. He had innumerable qualities like leadership, management, foresight, political diplomacy, effective policy about regional and military administration, commitment to truth and justice, an attitude of equality, visualization of future activities, the skill of seeing his planned ventures through, rising over the calamities without giving up, alertness and vigilance.

3). Steps were taken by Shivaji Maharaj towards the protection of the environment?

          Shivaji Maharaj had ordered that the garbage on the fort should be burnt in an allotted space without dumping it elsewhere, and vegetables should be grown on its ash. He also put restrictions on the cutting of trees.


Other Lessons from Std 7 Maharashtra Board History

  1. Sources of History
  2. India before the Times of Shivaji Maharaj
  3. Religious Synthesis
  4. Maharashtra before the Times of Shivaji Maharaj
  5. The Foundation of the Swaraj
  6. Conflict with the Mughals
  7. The Administration of the Swaraj
  8. An Ideal Ruler
  9. The Maratha War of Independence
  10. The Expansion of the Maratha Power
  11. Marathas- The Protectors of the Nation
  12. Progression of the Empire
  13. Life of the People in Maharashtra


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